Welcome to Inside the RIG! 

Talk to a RIG coach And learn how we can support you on your path to better health and fitness.


We are on a mission to build Resilience, create intention, and train grit.

What Does RIG Stand For?

The journey of life teaches us many things. However, among all of life’s lessons there is a common theme of needing a solid foundation to build upon. This is required if you wish to reach your full potential. After your foundation is in place, you need clear and specific goals, then it's time to put in the work. At RIG we believe that by building resilience, creating intention, and training grit everyone will achieve better health and fitness. But it won't stop there. As you learn these skills in the gym you will be able to apply them to all aspects of your life. Ultimately by building RIG you will be building the best version of yourself.

Interested in Coaching or Programming?

Become part of the RIG crew and receive customized online coaching.  This includes monthly programming, videos explaining the workouts, and check-ins with your RIG coach.  We will help you integrate functional training and mindfulness in a way that supports your fitness goals.


YouTube and Quick Tips

YouTube is where we are going to be building a library of quick tips, body flow and stretching routines, and anything else we find interesting. Subscribe to our channel to catch our latest videos.